Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Library - You Never Know Who You're Going to Meet

While on vacation, I decided that I would visit as many libraries as I could. On May 18, 2009 I entered the WSPL Delware Free Public Library in Callicoon, New York to use their computers. While I was searching on the computer I overheard two people talking. To my surprise, one of them was an author by the name of Clara Gillow Clark. Being overly interested in books and even more interested in meeting new authors, I jumped in the conversation. For some of us "life is but a dream" except when we get to meet new and exciting people. I was fortunate enough that Ms. Clark turned out to be a very warm and inviting person and allowed Lou, my husband, to take a picture of us. To this day, I am still in contact with her and am a fan of her blog. Her new book is entitled "Secrets of Greymoor". Check it out!!